Step out in Trendy Raincoats for a Stylish Spring

inwear mazie perry sort coat

Raincoat check There is a Swedish saying which goes: ‘there is no bad weather, just bad clothes’. It’s all about being prepared for everything. So to prepare for the rain, to keep you and your favourite outfits dry we have the latest and best investments to keep you dry.

Raincoats today are a bit more trusted to keep you dry as they’re constructed with coated nylons or Tyvek textiles that won’t dampen in wet weather. Whether it’s windy, pouring, or drizzling out, they will never let you down. Many designers are creating raincoats that are practical and as unforgettable as their non waterproof versions. At jojo boutique we have a few of our favourites from PartTwo and InWear to share with you.

Stay Dry with the latest Wet Weather Cape

If you’re after protection from torrential rain. This sleek, chic “water-repellent” hooded coat from InWear is an easy, pragmatic layer. Simple and stylish, this would work just as well for work as it would on the weekend – plus, it’s minimal enough design-wise that it won’t clash with almost any outfit. For a practical layer that feels likely to enter your outerwear rotation beyond rainy days, this coat feels like good value.

inwear mylah waterproof cape
inwear waterproof cape £189.95

Short Shower Proof Raincoat

If it’s a rainy day but you still need to look professional this raincoat will keep you dry throught a drizzle around town or a sudden a downpour. And while it’s probably no match for the heaviest rain, team it with a umbrella and it should keep you dry on an otherwise soggy commute. It’s not cheap, but it’s well-made.

inwear mazie perry sort coat
InWear short waterproof raincoat £159.

Shower proof padded raincoat

part two olilas capers padded coat(main)
part two shower proof padded raincoat £109.95
part two carvin navy coat
part two carvin navy raincoat £179.95